Thursday, June 25, 2009

On Top of Spaghetti

Chicky has an ear for music.

Ever since he was a baby, he would catch distinct sound or rhythm whether it's from the water droplets, faraway wind chimes or the road sweeper. Then I started introducing nursery rhymes and songs which delighted him and puts him to sleep... until now.

Most of them are recalled from my own childhood memories and also searching through the internet for a more complete and accurate lyrics to sing to Chicky. Porky though, has less exposure when he was a baby shoo~

Just a glimpse, Porky is already past 2 yrs old and Ngau ngau is on the way. I still remember Chicky would look at me in awe and wonder at how the words strung with a tune sounded like. Porky on the other hand would wriggled away or beat his fist in frustration (an excuse for me).

Dolzer finally got the boys a new set of children songs from Popular Bookstore in Leisure Mall to play in the car whenever we have a drive.

One of the song which I totally forgotten but also one of my favourite was

On Top of Spaghetti

On top of spaghetti
All covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed *giggles*

It rolled off the table
And on to the floor
And then my poor meatball
Rolled out of the door

It rolled in the garden
And under a bush
And then my poor meatball
Was nothing but mush

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be
And early next summer
It grew into a tree

The tree was all covered
With beautiful moss
It grew lovely meatballs
And tomato sauce *giggles*

So if you eat spaghetti
All covered with cheese
Hold on to your meatball
And don't ever sneeze *giggles*

*giggles* = I would throw a fit of giggles whenever I sing those parts

Gets me everytime. *wipe tears*

Dolzer had enough of spaghetti meatballs song because I keep requesting him to put it on replay mode. Chicky would laugh with me and try to sing together brokenly while Porky would look confuse but fascinated at the way his kor kor and mummy sang crazily over and over again.

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