Sunday, May 31, 2009


Best purchase of the month:

Contact Lens Solution
3 bottles of Ciba Vision for...
(expiry date: 2011-08)

This morning after dim sum, we stop by at Guardian Pharmacy to make some purchases and we saw a sign saying RM36.88 (normal price RM38.88) Ciba Vision contact lens solution. Usually a pack (2 bottles) costs around RM39+ in Jusco or any hypermarket we went to. Best of all, it comes with a free LARGE bottle, not the usual small, traveling size type.

Then as we were paying at the casher, to our amazement the lady said it's RM35.88. Best of all, every purchase of RM50 and above, you'll get a RM5 voucher. We got 4 packs total (separate receipts of course). Though the morning didn't go as smoothly as we hope; Porky poo-ed during our shopping which made us go back to the dim sum shop to clean him up, it is still a happy morning.

note: On the same day, Tropicana Mall: Guardian Pharmacy selling at RM39.88 (I think), comes with a free small traveling bottle. Couldn't be bothered. Haha.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A for Animal

Current mood: Very happy
Current action: Playing pranks on the maid

Current mood: Happy
Current action: Nibbling a pear

One thing my boys love are animals they get to see everyday; a monkey colony in our neighborhood trees, a roadkill dog, a cat eating out our leftover dinner or a flock of pigeons on the roof. They seem to notice everything around them and marvel at such which we take for granted everyday.

Last night when I open my mail, both boys scream with glee when they saw the animal pics sent by gong gong. With this blog, I'm now able to post it up for them to see whenever/wherever we are. Below are the National Wildlife's 35th Annual Contest winners:

Photo taken by: Hira Punjabi

Photo taken by: Nick J. Dunlop

Photo taken by: Craig Hilton

Photo taken by: Christopher C. Barry

Photo taken by: Ray G. Foster

Photo taken by: Victor S. Lamoureux

Photo taken by: Robert M. Palmer

Photo taken by: Bill Yeaton

Photo taken by: Jerry Horowitz

Grand Prize Winner
Photo taken by: Kim Steininger

On the last photo:
Chicky: Oooh... Big bird!!!~
Dolzer: Yes and it's called an owl. Say O-W-L.
Chicky: Auuuu... Oooh, big auuu!!!~
Dolzer: (...)



This is the alphabet chart I made for the boys. Alphabet U and X are a little bit difficult because I can't think of any other than;

U = Unicorn
X = X-ray fish

For example: No point putting animals like "Upupa", "Uromastix" or "Ungulate" (hysterically I pronounced it as ungu-latte; like the coffee milk). Sigh. The orang-utan/ape or buffalo/ox are also tricky.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

#5 Hanc Saga: Mediocre Skill


The following strip contains potentially gruesome graphic. If you are disturbed/offended by:
  • mutilated zombies
  • risque humour
please refrain from reading the comic.

After this 5th strip I decided to take a break and revised back what I've created two years back. I scribbled much of my ideas in a diary. Unfortunately I couldn't remember where I kept it and it was more than a year ago I last seen it. Lucky enough my strips able to survive after countless of virus attack on my computer and also utter stupidity (not going to elaborate).

I'm starting a new diary and hopefully new, sensible ideas would come. My only worries would be TIME, INSPIRATION (heavily depending on time) and DOTA (always comes first).

So far, I'd created 20. Reading back these twenty strips brought much joy, considering the effort, time and affection invested in the making and storage. Though I can't dwell too deeply in the dialogs because some of it TRULY doesn't make any sense AT ALL! I hope my readers would not judge too harshly on the art or vague storyline. Instead, let us go through together until strip #20.

(click on images to enlarge)

After braving through peril and adversity, the warrior and his pet finally arrive their destination: Paco Paco Village.

The albino bears at the top and bottom strips are side story from the main comic. It came to me after I created the strip. I'm exploring the potential for a different approach towards Hanc and Crow adventures as well as a separate, independent story alone: a break from the main storyline.

Monday, May 25, 2009

#4 Hanc Saga: Lil' Black Book


The following strip contains potentially gruesome graphic. If you are disturbed/offended by:
  • mutilated zombies
  • risque humour
please refrain from reading the comic.

(click on image to enlarge)

Alas, Lord V was no match for Hanc. Crow, with it's meagre summoning spell, summons a black book. A record for their bounty hunting.

I am currently catching up on my anime: One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Naruto Shippuuden, and Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger. Getting work done and the family in order hardly allow me to make much time. Occasionally, there will be Dota session within the family, let alone my precious sleep. So, every minute counts.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

#3 Hanc Saga: Lord Awakens

This is the following strip. I'm going through dialog by dialog, which was written few years back and I realized some of it doesn't make any sense at all. In fact, I'm starting to feel embarrass posting it up.

(click on image to enlarge)

Suddenly, a zombie lord appears...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

#2 Hanc Saga: An epic slaughter


The following strip contains potentially gruesome graphic. If you are disturbed/offended by:
  • mutilated zombies
  • risque humour
please refrain from reading the comic.

I decided to add more spunk in Crow. He dominates most of the conversation compared to Hanc whose identity is still a mystery. Crow is a magical creature with comparable intelligence to human... well, at least to Hanc and not without a hint of cowardice when it comes to battle. Cocky and plainly calculative, Crow seems to test everyone's patience(including mine) with his ramblings.

(click on image to enlarge)

So, the two companion battles on with scary daisy-popping zombies without fear or horror.

I am still experimenting and juxtaposing with the interface. I have to keep the file size small for successful uploading to the internet. Duly apologize for the poor, outrageously pixelated quality. Though I'm using the RM90+/mth P1, the connection still sucks big time! Don't even mention Streamyx.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

#1 Hanc Saga: What a bore...

I started sketching since 2005 but nothing much came out of it. Then in 2007, it evolves into a story(in a form of dialog) after getting inspiration from various anime, online comic and movies.

Sources of inspiration:
#One Piece
#The Vision of Escaflowne
#Elfen Lied
#Record of Lodoss War

Online Comic
#Order of the Stick

#Kingdom of Heaven

Some of my friends already own personalized websites so I thought perhaps I could explore the ingenuity of blogging in cyberspace. It was a year ago when I first created With my growing family and work commitments well... I just got delayed. Hopefully this year around I be able to post more often.

(click on image to enlarge)

Once upon a time, there is a man. His name is Hanc, the warrior. He travels afar, with his ever faithful pet crow, named Crow.

That's all I can think of at the moment...

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