Friday, July 17, 2009

We Got Tummy Bug

Current mood: Very happy
Current action: Ultraman-ning Porky

Current mood: Happy and annoyed
Current action: Being Ultraman-ed by Chicky

Tummy Bug Log:

Sunday 12.07.09
Took Chicky to see a doctor in the morning after bouts of sudden vomiting the night before. Doctor said it's a tummy bug and he might have caught it from something he ate. Ma ma at that time was recovering from tummy bug as well.

Monday 13.07.09
Took great care of Chicky. Worried Porky might caught it as well. Chicky started eating lightly on porridge and taking in his regular honey water.

Tuesday 14.07.09
At 4.30 am, Porky started coughing up phlegm and vomited. Woke Dolzer. He took Porky to the toilet to vomit again. Changed sheets and went downstairs to feed Porky with Chicky's vomit medicine but Porky threw up again. Porky vomit at every 20-25 mins interval for almost 2 hours.

Dolzer himself not feeling too well so we waited out until the clinic opened. Dolzer suspected he caught the bug as well but the doctor doubted because there is no fever. Got the meds, came back and all three boys slept away.

Later that day, Dolzer was down with fever and did not wake up until the next day. As for the boys it was a nightmare: going through a cycle with their constant screaming, crying, vomiting, cleaning and screaming, crying, vomiting, cleaning...

Wednesday 15.07.09
Porky started to get better. Taking in porridge and water well. Slept almost the whole day and Chicky was a bundle of energy.

However, it was my turn now. At night time, I made myself a cup of warm milo oats right after feeding Porky's last porridge. Drank it all and happily savouring the warm feeling in my tummy.

As I was walking from the living area to the stairs, I felt a phlegm up my throat and somehow reminded me of Porky's first night of hell. I turned towards the kitchen and vomited on the garbage bag. It got worst! I tried swallowing because the phlegm was gagging my throat and another bout of vomit came! Bleh~

Went to see a doctor and got my tummy bug meds.

Thursday 16.07.09
Feeling sick and down the whole day. After feeding Porky in the morning, ask maid to handle him for the rest of the day. Ma ma took over on Chicky. I slept until dinner time.

Just as I though the boys on the road to recovery, Porky vomited again on the night time porridge. Took him to the clinic for more meds and he threw up on the way as well. Came back and both of us sick birds on the bed until morning. Chicky was practically neglected. *muaks*

note: Shouldn't start giving Porky milk for grace period of one week.

Feeling slightly better. Porky ate his porridge well this morning. Chicky is being cheeky as usual.

By the time I finish this post, Porky is asleep while Chicky is downstairs watching tv. Hopefully all of us fully recovered by the weekend ~

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