Tuesday, October 20, 2009


At 40 weeks (full term).

Ngau ngau is due today!

"T-U-E-S-D-A-Y 20th O-C-T-O-B-E-R 2009"

I pleaded our ob-gyn to delay for another week (as to having the same birthday as Chicky... hehe) but he said the cervix is ripe and blood pressure pretty high (am still coughing) so better deliver this week. ~

Oh well.

Most of the things are taken care of but some things do get in the way. Wanted to put up some old entries on the boys but never got around it.

Dolzer is in heaven. Going through again and again for the perfect name for Ngau ngau. Reminding the boys on the impending arrival of their didi, so they better behave like all good kor kors should. Reminding everyone to be on Ngau ngau's beck and call, etc. As for me... I keep having flashbacks on the second stage of labour; the spasm, every spine tingling, blinding, horrifying and completely shocking pain... just before the pushing part. The first time, it utterly took me by surprise. Second, I thought it's no biggie until the MOMENT arrived. Now the third, I'm not a fool. It WILL hurt!

My mom said that's why it's called LABOUR.

Well, it's past midnight. I think I'll just lie down abit. Can't sleep. Ngau ngau is kicking vigorously inside.

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